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Ampao the no. 1 sweet delicacy pasalubong from Carcar, Cebu

  • Post category:Food
  • Reading time:5 mins read

One of Cebu’s tatakpinas pride known to be the no. 1 sweet delicacy pasalubong in Carcar, Cebu, Philippines is “AMPAO” OR “AMPAW”.

Ampao is a crackling or crunchy sweet delicacy that is really fun to eat as you will enjoy chewing it bit by bit. heheh no to mention, the sweet and rice fusion flavor in your mouth while enjoying your travel adventure experience trip or on your very own couch while watching your favorite movies.

Ampao can be bought and found in any grocery stores, pasalubong centers, and terminal stations. So if you happen to pass by, grab a pack of Ampao as it truly is worth buying.

Ampao can be bought and found in any grocery stores, pasalubong centers, and terminal stations. So if you happen to pass by, grab a pack of Ampao as it truly is worth buying.


Ampao is a fun-to-chew and eat food delicacy that boost energy level as it contains a good amount of carbohydrates plus fiber in a pack of snack.  

For those sweet food lovers I would highly recommend a moderate dose of food intake per day. Eating to much sweet can cause trouble to your health.

Food Preparation

Ampao food prep is really a very tedious long process…  we will cover this steps through Chef Chiques food prep step-by-step “how to” food blog/vlog.

Featured Vendor

Mr. Toper

Mr. Toper or “charon dha” as labeled by fans is a very hardworking, full of joy, kind-hearted and easy to mingle “lako” vendor from Carcar, Cebu.

Biodegradable Waste Management

  • Kalamansi fruit Peels
  • Used Oil


Ampao: Sweet Puffed Rice Cake
Kalamansi: A native Philippine shrub citrus fruit tree.
Street Peddler/ Vendor – is a door-to-door vendor selling any kinds of goods with a route destination of it’s own.
Tindero: Vendor
Suki: a buyer or seller involved in an arrangement in which a customer regularly purchases products or services from the same provider in exchange for favorable treatment.

Source: Google Search Dictionary Result

You can find details facts and information through Wikipedia.