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Banana cue an all-time favorite snack among Filipinos

  • Post category:Food
  • Reading time:6 mins read

Growing up in a tropical country with abundance of banana plants is really a blessings to us when we were kids back then til todate as we always have the delicious banana cue around the corner.

This simple prep and affordable snack is really really really a favorite snack among us Filipinos. I even cook sometimes for my kids…heheh 

My most favored banana cue is the so ripe banana cue because it is sooo soft for a bite, much flavorful taste and fun to eat with less chewing. hahah you should try one…


We all knew for the fact that banana is so reach in calcium and carbohydrates so when you consume a dose of two banana cue sticks for a snack will satisfy your appetite and save you money for a meal. Banana cue will even help your diet dose per day for a much healthier you.

Reminder: Eating to much banana cue will lead to no good result as it will gain you more carbs + fats + sugar bringing you to a much high risk of having health problems.


Ripe Banana “Saba”
Brown Sugar

Bamboo Stick

Cooking Oil (If you prefer a much healthier oil use Coco Oil)

Food Preparation

This food snack delicacy is so easy to prepare and cook.  You just have to boil the oil to heat and drop the peeled ripe banana… and wwwhaaalaa you’ll be frying the ripe banana. hehehe  Add the brown sugar and wait for it to caramelize and start stirring the mix for a couple of minutes.

And in under 3-5 minute you will have your tasty banana cue snack. SERVE and ENJOY!
Try it for yourself and experience the joy and fun with this delicious food snack delicacy.

“How to” video will be posted under official website and youtube channel. keep posted.

The photo used in my article was from my travel street photography session. I took the freedom of showing how easy this food prep cooking can be from an ordinary traditional setup. 

Biodegradable Waste Management

We take pride of our advocacy in contributing a percentage of the solution for the waste management issue from small scale to large scale.

In this simple food prep snack delicacy, we manage to segregate the biodegradable waste of the banana peel to our covered biodegradable high grade plastic barrel for later processing (Detail Illustration and guide for the biodegradable waste management bin can be found at

One of the most practical ways to prevent biowaste pathogen bacteria is to process right away through our Integrated Livestock-based BioWaste Management Facility or process and convert it to high nutritional plant and livestock food supplement right in our very own home.

If you’re interested in helping mother nature earth then head to our tropical homescale permaculture waste management contribution solution advocacy.


Banana Cue food snack delicacy is a lucrative small scale day job business.  You can either do this in you very own yard, stall rental or mobile cart kiosk. 

A small capital can bring you a profit enough for a small family to feed on a daily basis.  The cost for the raw materials “saba banan” are way cheap and easy to carry…

Rough estimate nowadays:

“Saba” Banana = 20.00/kg(10kg)=200.00 (ranges to 12bananas)
Cooking Oil = 90.00/Gal
Brown Sugar = 50.00
Wood = Free
Bamboo Stick = 20

CAPITAL: Php 260.00
Cost per Banana Cue in Stick = 15.00
Kilograms per day = 10 (60 banana cue sticks)
Gross Sales: 900.00

Gross Sales-Capital=Net Profit
900.00 – 260.00 = 640.00


So happy to share with this photo of a young lady 4 childrens with her all season day job as a banana cue vendor here in our area. She told me the fun experience of being a street banana cue vendor and the love and sacrifice for her children.  Despite the odds she is able to provide a decent income that satisfies the need of a small family. And She is proudly very happy with it and very thankful to God.  God is sooo good, all the time.

Lesson Learn: Embrace God’s abundance and use it well. Be thankful to all the blessings and be happy with it.

Thank you for your time reading with my experience.

God Bless.