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Crispy deep fried dried Banana Chips

  • Post category:Food
  • Reading time:11 mins read

Crispy Banana Chips has been one of the bread and butter livelihood source of stable income among small entrepreneurs in the province or area of Mindanao and throughout the other regions in the Philippines.

It has been known ever since the Philippines became one of the provider-supplier-grower of banana products in the international market with the help of the private-government programs from the Department of Science and Technology, Department of Trade and Industry, and the Local Government Units.

Crispy Banana Chips became the favorable snacks by many by then…  You can find this delicacy at all convenient grocery stores either from the malls, gasoline station shops, arcades and government pasalubong centers.  

And for travelers like us who love to explore, the best part and much enjoyable to buy and converse with them are in bus terminal from the street vendors hopping and roaming around inside the bus with the loud voice saying “Banana Chips mo dhaaaa” while holding a pack of banana chip in their hand to get noticed. hahaha It’s really nice feeling that add up the journey more memorable. …. and you get the best tasty crunchy and healthy snack food for the whole trip. 


This food delicacy is really amazing and packed with health benefits enough for a day dose of energy to our body even in a small quantities of food snack intake.

Banana Chips comes in a variety of prep and ways of producing the product to get the same result but with different nutritional health benefits.  So be cautious of your daily dose intake to avoid health problems. 

The Banana Chip shown her is deep-fried honey cured dried banana chip as per the vendors info from his producer. 

It is really soooooo tasty and crunchy crispy chips. I enjoyed it very much and It’s  so enjoyable crunching them inside your mouth while having fun chitchat with your pals and the view from the ride… hehehe I really love it.

Other ways to prep and produce it is through electric dehydrator machine or simply air drying set-up or by simply baking it in an oven from the comfort of your home. You just have to have a good simple setup free from dust and insects or any unwanted pest or bad bacteria.  I would highly recommend following the good practices of food processing from the Department of Science and Technology and Industrial Technology Development Institute (DOST-ITDI).


Having said those exciting factual words, I’ve decided to make one for a test in our home. I bought a kilo of handful of green banana in the market for stunningly really cheap Php10.00 only.


By the way, the type of producing the banana chips I’ve preferred to use is the deep-frying process because it is a lot easier and takes a shorter time.


  • 1 kg green bananas peeled (not ripe)
  • 4 cups coco cooking oil
  • 1 teaspoon salt Optional
  • 1/2 cup brown sugar

Food Preparation

I was a bit hesitant of the banana I bought in the public market as it turned ripe already… hehehe I sliced the banana and whalaaaa… toink! It is ripe already. hehehe 

anyway, I continue to prepare the banana and manage to achieve more similarly to a size of the commercial Banana Chips.

The output above is obviously ripe already and very tempting to just eat it raw. hahaha  I did eat a few…  

And the result was pretty much satisfying as I was able to produce a Banana Chips of my own. hahaha uh so so good.  The thing with ripe Banana if used is somehow like this in the photo… it turn into small pieces of chips as it is very difficult to manage not to fall off. 

A kilo of raw green banana is enough for a family of 5 for a snack. So so soooo happy for the outcome of the test and the fun experience of doing it.  It is really easy and open a lot of opportunity for a passive income if you’re really serious about having one in your community.


Banana Chips is sold between Phpo20.00 to Php35.00 a pack.  With this figure and the actual cost in the public market of raw Green Banana at Php10.00/kg this will surely hold a promising higher margin of opportunity for a lucrative business.

The production cost + the labor cost is very minimal. And the process of making it is so simple and so easy to follow, plus the raw materials are readily available in the market and are abundantly grown in the Philippines. 


The production area can be build between around a two single room size for 3 working staff…

Looking at this scenario, the Banana Chips is surely a way to go as an add-on sustainable livelihood business.

I will definitely try this food business in the future soon.

Biodegradable Waste Management

The Banana chip’s biodegradable waste is also easy to manage and does have plenty of opportunities as well.  The banana peel is so good for our adorable pets as a supplement add-on food and great fertilizers to our home-scale grown plants.

This proved and marked a healthy and sustainable business cycle.  On the wild, imaginative and creative mind, one can have a Banana Chips Business with Banana and livestock Farm Business. This Banana Chips a truly a Certified TatakPinas food delicacy!

The pets shown in the blog are freely roaming around our small scale permaculture-based garden. 

Feel free to browse about our permaculture living at

Thank you so much for your time in reading this article. I hope you enjoy my experience and inspire you well. 

God Bless and see you next time.